Intern’s report(インターンレポート): Introducing Myself and Telling My Impression of Samurai Kembu for The First Time

(Kyoto, October 14, 2019)

Hi All,

As a new staff, nobody knows about me in the office, right? So, I took the chance to introduce myself.

Previously, Auga Sensei asked me to make powerpoint material to introduce myself to other Samurai Kembu staffs. I was a bit nervous, because I cannot speak Japanese fluently. I encouraged myself to introduce myself to the others, vice versa.

Eventhough, my Japanese is not fluent, everyone welcomed me here. It made me at ease. >,<.

After introducing ourselves each other, I also gave my impression for Samurai Kembu Theater, especially for Hachimanko session. I tried hachimanko for the first time by myself. Unfortunately, I could not do it very well. It’s very difficult for me, so I think I need to learn it as fast as possible.

My first impression

I think there are so many things that I have to learn.

I wish I could be THE REAL SAMURAI!

Welcome Samura Kembu !

Douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu ^__^